Goulven CLEC'H

I am a 27 years old software engineer with extensive experience in Elixir, Rust, and JavaScript/TypeScript web ecosystems.

Interested in functional programming and software craftsmanship, I want to deliver maintainable and performant software, that solve real-world problems. I'm also passionate about game development, hiking in forests, visiting cute villages, kayaking in rivers, and drinking specialty coffees.

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Enchères immo

January 2020 - Present

An real estate auction platform powered by Elixir, Phoenix, Domain-Driven Design, and CQRS/ES. My responsibilities included redesigning our public website, releasing our first public API, creating gateways with industry CRMs (via FTP and REST APIs), improving CI/CD pipelines, and integrating AI features to enhance customer experience. Along the way, I managed a team up to 5 members, with developers, interns, and freelancers.

Website - GitHub - Related blog entries


October 2024 - Present

A language server for the web, implementing the Language Server Protocol. It uses HTMLlsrs and CSSlsrs, our own language services designed to be integrated into language servers written in Rust or via WebAssembly. It’s an open-source project, made with my friend ...Erika.


Game Dev Alliance

March 2018 - December 2023

A french speaking community of game developers. We produced YouTube videos, open-source tutorials, and moderated a Discord server. I contributed to the development of the websites, using TypeScript, VueJS, Tailwind CSS, Git/GitHub, and GraphQL; and wrote tutorials about Ren’Py (Python), Pico8 (Lua), and Unity (C#).

Website - GitHub - Related blog entries

Oxbridge Academic Programs

August 2019

I managed the program blog (WordPress) and various administrative tasks, with an English-speaking public.
